Saturday, August 11, 2012

2nd Stop: Albania

Bakery Item: Albanian Walnut Cake with Lemon Glaze

What You Need and What You Do: Everything you need to know to follow this recipe is right here:

I followed this recipe exactly as it was written at the link above and it turned out light, moist, and I have a feeling, very traditional for an Albanian treat. One mini-bakery traveler called it “delicious!”  This basically means your most reluctant eaters might enjoy this one! 


The Bakery Traveler World Tour stop is Algeria.


  1. It is reminiscent of a Greek pasty sans the lemon glaze, which I believe added to the overall "goodiness" of this treat. Nice recipe.

  2. I do agree! The lemon glaze is perfect. I think the yogurt provides a great amount of moisture to the mix, as well. So really, bakers, you probably cannot go wrong with this recipe. Impress your friends!
